Monday, May 23, 2011

Potty Training Day #1

Well today starts potty training boot camp...hubby left this morning until Friday so I planned to just hunker down, not go anywhere and just DO IT. It's something I have been dreading for far to long. Time to face it! Yesterday he was at my sisters house and asked to use the potty...AND WENT! I decided to just put him in underwear with pants on over. Meaning we are confined to our kitchen since the rest of the house is CARPET, sigh. I can do this. This morning was going really well...

Peed a bunch of times on 'his' potty and even pooped on the big potty.

I had set the timer for 20min after I had given him some juice and don't you know with 10 SECONDS left on the clock he comes to me soaking wet! Oh myyyyyy

Today - 3 accidents, he did not like being wet and told me after that he should pee in the potty not in his pants. Luckily it's almost bedtime. With that said it's potty time again...